Crisis Club

Earlier this year, I was at a friend’s house until midnight or possibly even later sorting through some freebie clothing in our size that another friend had so graciously given us. And it took the three of us quite some time to deliberate who should keep which articles of clothing. Nearing the end of the pile, we began chatting, not about clothing, but about the storms in our life and the struggles we faced every day as our grief pressed down so hard upon us. Yes, we shed some tears and, yes, we did comfort each other amidst our pain. That very night, a bond was created among three friends and I know that it shall never be broken.

Each of us had entirely different reasons for our grief, but we knew what it was to suffer and we knew each others pain. I had lost my beautiful baby boy at birth, while another friend’s precious child was battling cancer and the other friend had recently fell victim to a “tsunami” divorce. So, there we were, hurting and afraid. We talked and let so many emotions out that night, we created our own form of therapy; we call it the Crisis Club.

At least once a month, we get together to share our feelings, talk, and commiserate. And, sometimes, we just have bad days and we greatly need the therapy that our little club provides. There’s just something special about speaking to people who understand grief, it makes you feel as though you are not alone, you are not the only one who feels this way.

Today, we are all doing better. We are, however, still weathering our storms, but we gain a bit more strength with each passing day. And this Friday, our Crisis Club is doing something different, something fun, instead of something that may induce tears. Christian music has truly impacted all of our lives during the past year and has helped us through some very difficult times, so the three of us are going to the tobyMac Hits Deep Tour with special guests Brandon Heath, Mandisa, Chris August, Britt Nicole, Jamie Grace, and Group 1 Crew. Wow! So many great Christian artists performing on the same night at the same venue. Amazing, right? We are so excited and cannot wait to hear live the music that has provided much needed comfort for us all.